All Right Idea [March 2010]
Guam Could Tip Over?!?
Redistribution of Wealth was Health Care's Primary Objective
News Busters!
2010 April Environment & Climate News - Heartland Institute
Patriot Quote
Quick Hits from the Heritage Foundation
Iranian Nuclear Scientist Defects to USA!
Eco-Fascist Calls for World Government Ran by a few People we Trust
NASA and Weather Don't Mix
Cap and Trade Negotiations taking Place Now
Global Warming / Climate Change Activist Freezes to Death!
More Global Warming / Climate Change News
Quick Hits from The Heritage Foundation
Partiot Quotes
Top 10 Most Corrupt Politicians of 2009
Obama's Private Army Funded in the Health Bill
Germans Fear of Global Warming / Climate Change Drops 20%
Government Takeover of... Everything!
The High Cost of Global Warming / Climate Change Policy
Global Warming / Climate Change Crowd Irritated - Good!
Climate Change / Global Warming News
Global Warming / Climate Change Fraud Continues
News Busted Again!
Cantor - A Man of Principle
Patriot Quote
Hoyer Confronted!
Fairness Doctrine
Patriot Quote
UN Makes Another Mistake on Climate Change Data
National Sales Tax Coming Soon?
McConnel wants to repeal Health Bill!
Can we get more like Paul Ryan?
Bailed out once, Broke again!
Control the People = Communism
The Democrats Vote to Give Child Molesters & Rapists Viagra
Cries of Racism from the Black Caucus
Obama in Indonesia
Obamacare will "Control the People"
Guns Save Lives!
Patriots Quote
Obama Lets Russia Drill Closer to the US than we can!
What Real Health Care Reform Should Look Like
A vote for Obama is a vote for Socialism
Climate Change Legislation is Next!
Obamacare will destroy the Greatest Health Care System
"If Congress wants to pass this bill, they should follow the Constitution."
A Spirit of Resistance
A Bigger, More Powerful IRS Coming Soon! Oh Goody!
Hell to Pay!
Hell No!!
Obamacare = Socialized Health Care
Democrats Seek to Eliminate Private Insurance
Levin Foundation to File Constitutional Challenge If Dems Try to Pass Health Care Without Voting on It
Biden and "Foot In Mouth" Disease
Pulling the Plug on the Constitution
Mr. Obama on Fox
Thomas Jefferson Quote
2nd Amendment Threatened - By the UN!
Health Care - Will they force it down our throats?
Charlie Rangel, What a Joke!
Great Parody!
Climate Change / Global Warming News
Say No to Cap and Trade - For the Children!
UK Government Global Warming Ads Banned For Exaggerating Risks
Activists tell Obama to Protect Illegals
News Busters!
Chicago Pro-Gun Rally Missed by MSM
The IRS - Looking out for Your Tax Dollars
Western Hero Blog - Nice Article
Internet Censorship in New Zealand
Abortion coverage in the Obamacare Bill
Stupak and the Democrats
The Myth of Cost Competitive "Green Energy"
Moving to Texas Anyone?
Constitutional Right - Broadband for Everyone!
Climategate - Global Warming Cover up hits NASA
Could this be more Ammo for Internet Censorship?
The Ninth Circuit does have a Brain!
No Body Scans for Muslims? You know the Relion of Peace followers!
California Jobs - Terminated!
Global Warming Melt Down
Healthcare votes are there - Not Again!
Big Government screws up again
Obama does one better than Bush!
Environment and Climate News
Government Censorship
And now for something completely different!
Enviromentalists will be the Death of U.S
And Even More Climate Change Lies Revealed
More Climate Change Lies Revealed
Rahm You! They're Both Four Letter Words!
Conservative Perspective Blog
The IMF Wants Climate Change Money!
Iran is Not up to Speed on the Whole "Obama is our Friend" Scenario
Opps, They Mis-Figured Again
Illinois - A Study in Liberal Tax and Spend Philosophy
"You Lie" is More Accurate Than We Know
Oil Prices Anyone?
Can Anyone say "Shut Down Dissent?"
PJTV - Good Stuff!
Obama says "Shut up and take it!"
Give Me Socialized Health Care or Give Me Death Panels!
Health Care Nuke!
Climategate is Still Unraveling