Thank you Environmentalists and the Crazy Politicians in California! You have successfully killed jobs in California! The "Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006" was supposed to create jobs. However their math was faulty. Can you believe that? A Government entity not being able to calculate correctly? Oh yeah, and not only did you miscalculate for the current situation, you projected it out wrong as well. In fact the new law will reduce jobs into the future for as far as the LAO can predict! Genius!
Additionally, A.B. 32 will “almost certainly raise” prices of electricity, gasoline, and other energy sources for as far into the future as LAO can predict.
California is the perfect example of left-wing theory put to test. (See Michigan as well) No jobs, bankrupt, illegal immigration out of control & business fleeing like crazy! And please don't tell me Arnold is a Conservative!

Hopefully we can stop the Obama Administration before he "Transforms" America to end up like California! And that's the All Right Idea!