As readers of All Right Ideas you know that the whole Global Warming / Climate Change issue is at the heart of the start of this blog. From the beginning I have been a skeptic. Mainly due to my faith in God and my belief that he pretty much knows what is going of and wouldn't create the earth only to be destroyed by another one of his creations, Man. You see, I think God knew we would have cars that pollute and we would exhale CO2. I just can't see God up in heaven saying "They have cars! I never saw it coming!"
And know it seems that the movement is fading quickly from the "top Issue" category w/ most American's. With the Economy being destroyed, the takeover of private business by the Government and the continued weakening of the dollar, Global warming is being forgotten. Not only should it be forgotten, but Al Gore and the perpetuators of it should be arrested and brought up on charges of fraud. Because I know, and you know, it's all about the money!

Take a stand against Cap and Trade and ANY Global Warming / Climate Change tax, and call you Representative. Now that's the All Right Idea!