The Federal Government is weighing options to monitor the internet to prevent a cyber attack form happening. However, this brings up several cries of "Big Brother" from individual rights groups. Here is a quote from an article:
Greater federal involvement in privately operated networks may spark privacy or surveillance concerns, not least because of the NSA's central involvement in the Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping scandal. Earlier reports have said that Einstein 3 has the ability to read the content of emails and other messages, and that AT&T has been asked to test the system. (The Obama administration says the "contents" of communications are not shared with the NSA.)
I'm sure they're not! This will allow the government to shut down websites that they feel are a "threat" to national security. If your website is anti-Obama, well that is bad for the nation because it disrupts harmony and causes ill feelings toward the government. Hence you will be shut down.

Let's not give up our freedoms for a little security! Now that's the All Right Idea!