Mr. Obama (again I only call him that as to show my respect for our great unbiased media and how the addressed President Bush) has and will break several "promises" he made during the campaign. Of course they weren't real promises, they were more like suggestions he would like to keep if Bush wouldn't have hidden the situation from everyone! Which brings up a great question. How could someone so stupid (President Bush) hide anything from the smartest people on the planet (entire Obama Administration, Democrats in Congress and the Mainstream Media)? Oh well, I digress.
During the "Summit" on February 25th Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan tells President Obama to his face why the president's proposed health care overhaul violates a pledge Obama made to "not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, either now or in the future."
This is AWESOME! Congrats to Congressman Paul Ryan for calling it out! I wish they all would do the same! Now that's the All Right Idea!