Illinois is in a "Financial Doomsday" situation. So what is the answer from our Democrat State Representatives? Ding ding ding, you guessed it, more TAXES!!!

Illinois already has businesses and family's leaving the state due to over-taxation and now they want to raise taxes more. Why would we believe that all of a sudden they got religion and will be good stewards of the tax-payer's money when all they have showed us so far is how the can squander it on all the social programs to help the moochers, I mean needy! How about this, LOWER taxes and entice business to come in to the state. Then let's see if the state brings in more revenue. I bet it would if it was tried. Oh wait, it has been tried. Thanks to Ronald Reagan in the 80's!

He lowered taxes and the Government brought in more money than before. Because when you tax an activity it slows down. And when you free it up with less taxes, it encourages the activity! Take a look at what happens when states have a "Tax Free Weekend"! Doesn't anyone want to fix the problem or do they just want to try to stay in office by the hands of the moochers, I mean needy? Let's show some backbone and "encourage" the moochers, I mean needy, to get a job and contribute to society instead of leech it dry! Now that's the All Right Idea!