All Right Idea [democrats]
How Dare You Be Skeptical
Let's Start Over, and Kick Everyone out of DC!
Government Consumes more and Produces Less
Republican's Grew a Spine!
News from the Patriot Post
McConnel wants to repeal Health Bill!
Control the People = Communism
The Democrats Vote to Give Child Molesters & Rapists Viagra
Cries of Racism from the Black Caucus
What Real Health Care Reform Should Look Like
Climate Change Legislation is Next!
A Bigger, More Powerful IRS Coming Soon! Oh Goody!
Democrats Seek to Eliminate Private Insurance
Levin Foundation to File Constitutional Challenge If Dems Try to Pass Health Care Without Voting on It
Pulling the Plug on the Constitution
Mr. Obama on Fox
Health Care - Will they force it down our throats?
Abortion coverage in the Obamacare Bill
Stupak and the Democrats
Rahm You! They're Both Four Letter Words!