All Right Idea [republicans]
GOP Pushes Pro-Energy Bill!
MSNBC Hits a New Low!
Illinois hits a new low!
Raising Taxes and Spending, Obama's Idea of Helping
No Command Prescense
Let's Start Over, and Kick Everyone out of DC!
Government Consumes more and Produces Less
Socialism = Failure
Freddie and Fannie are out Right Failures
Republican's Grew a Spine!
Quick Hits from The Heritage Foundation
News from the Patriot Post
Is Health Care Constitutional? It doesn't matter
Fairness Doctrine
McConnel wants to repeal Health Bill!
Control the People = Communism
The Democrats Vote to Give Child Molesters & Rapists Viagra
What Real Health Care Reform Should Look Like
Mr. Obama on Fox
Representative Charlie Rangel (Democrat) Found Guilty