All Right Idea

What Real Health Care Reform Should Look Like

Tort reform would be a better way to reform the health care system. It is simpler and more efficient than what has been passed. Here is an article concerning this subject from The Heartland Institute:

President Obama has larded $50 million into his latest iteration of a health care bill, for grants to the states so they can "study" innovative ways of controlling medical malpractice costs. Please spare us.
Malpractice reform has been studied to death over the past three decades and more. All 50 states have already enacted reform measures of one kind or another. The last thing we need is more study, more meddling by the federal government in state affairs and more unnecessary federal spending.
But Mr. Obama gets credit for understanding how the legal system works, which is more than one can say about the Republicans.
The Republican clamor for "meaningful" federal tort reform in medical malpractice cases is positively deafening - drowning out consideration of what a terrible and perhaps unconstitutional idea it is. The Republican Party argues that tort reform would substantially reduce health care costs. They're right - about $185 billion would be saved, but only if reform happens in the states.

Let's repeal this horrific bill and start over. Now that's the All Right Idea!