All Right Idea

News from the Patriot Post

"Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." --James Madison

This is some of what you get from the Patriot Post Digest sent via email. It has great info!

'Where's My Free Health Care?'

Now that ObamaCare has brought Hope 'n' Change™ to all the Fruited Plain, citizens are attempting to claim their fair share. However, it appears that, as McClatchy News notes, "Americans are struggling to understand how -- and when -- the sweeping measure will affect them."
Insurance companies, doctors' offices and hospitals have been inundated with calls reflecting that confusion. According to Carrie McLean, a licensed agent for, "They're saying, 'Where do we get the free ObamaCare, and how do I sign up for that?'"
McClatchy, of course, doesn't blame Democrats for this misunderstanding; it blames conservatives: "That widespread misconception may have originated in part from distorted rhetoric about the legislation bubbling up from the hyper-partisan debate about it in Washington and some media outlets, such as when opponents denounced it as socialism."
We'll give them one concession: Technically, ObamaCare is more fascist than socialist, in part because it isn't initially single-payer. Still, fascism and socialism are ugly twin stepsisters.
For McClatchy to blame defenders of liberty for Americans' misunderstanding of Democrats' misleading promises is yet another example of journalistic malpractice. The Leftmedia has been on board the ObamaCare bandwagon since the 2008 campaign, telling us how it will "provide" or "expand" health care to "all Americans." Likewise, Democrats have lauded themselves for providing "health care for every American" instead of admitting that they're going to force us to buy it. Thus, it's understandable that the average uninformed Joe would mistake an unconstitutional and tyrannical law for a goodie bag of freebies -- at least once 2014 rolls around and all provisions kick in.
These dupes should remember what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said in March: "[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Apparently, while IRS authority to withhold tax refunds from those who don't buy insurance is in the bill, free health care isn't.

Dr. Galt Won't See You Now

After the recent passing of ObamaCare, a Florida urologist taped a sign to the door of his practice: "If you voted for Obama, seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your health care begin right now, not in four years." Read more here.

GOP Has Some 'Splainin' to Do

"Although it is not unusual for either party to spend money in tony settings to cater to wealthy donors," The Washington Post reports, "the RNC's latest filings captured widespread attention for one expenditure at a risque nightclub: $1,946.25 for 'meals' at Voyeur in West Hollywood, which features topless dancers wearing horse bridles and other bondage gear while mimicking sex acts."
As late-night comedian Jay Leno quipped, "You know what I call a Republican that spends a lot of money in a strip club? A Democrat."
A Republican National Committee staff member was fired as a result of the expenditure, RNC chief of staff Ken McKay resigned, and a donor who attended the club has been asked to reimburse the Committee. That hasn't stopped criticism of Chairman Michael Steele for his lax fiscal management, though. The Post notes, "The RNC had more than $22 million on hand when he arrived last year, but is down to less than $10 million, despite raising a record $96 million during that time, records show." Steele raised $10 million less last year than the RNC did in 2005, and has spent $10 million more, including significantly more on private planes, limousines, catering and flowers.
Inexplicably, Steele accused critics of racism. Asked if "as an African-American" he has "a slimmer margin for error than another chairman would," Steele agreed: "The honest answer is yes." Can't you just see the donations pouring in now?
When asked about Steele's comments, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, himself a former RNC Chairman, retorted, "When you're a fat redneck like me and got an accent like mine, you can say, 'Well, they're going to hold me to a higher standard.'"

News From the Swamp: Cap-n-Tax

The Senate is about to take another crack at a cap-n-tax bill to curb carbon emissions. Senators John Kerry (D-MA), Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have allied to create a bill that would reportedly cut emissions some 80 percent by 2050. The bill sets out to achieve this by developing separate limits for manufacturers and utilities. Special interests representing manufacturers, farmers, the nuclear industry, the coal industry and others others who stand to be hurt are already lining up with requests for compensation and preferential treatment so that they won't be harmed by the new legislation. Don't fret, though -- the harm will be spread around just fine, with the bill killing an estimated 2.5 million jobs, reducing the GDP by almost $10 trillion, and adding $1,000 to annual energy costs for a family of four.

Income Redistribution: Obama Expands Housing Fund

The Obama administration is planning to divert up to $600 million to its "hardest hit" list of financially troubled homeowners. The money used would be $50 billion from TARP and would go to a selection of states experiencing depressed housing sales and high unemployment. The states that will receive funds include North Carolina, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Ohio and Oregon. This follows an earlier round of funding in February that went to California, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona and Florida. Just another example of BO rewarding failure and punishing success.