All Right Idea [Obamacare]
Where Gas Pump Nightmares Come True!
Will Obama Kill the American Dream?
Harry Reid is Clueless and Stupid. But we already knew that
Horrible Obamacare has 1000+ Waivers!
Obamacare has UNLIMITED Slush Fund for Obama
More Tea Party Republican's Needed in Senate
Obama Spends and Now Concerned about Deficit
Slaughter Women? Really
"Do as I Say, Not as I Do!" - President Obama
Transparency Award for Obama, but don't tell anyone
Republican's Fighting to Cut Spending!
It's a New Day! Thank God!
The Patriot Post Brief
Obamacare = Rationed Care
Spending the US Down the Drain
Obama Marginalizes American Exceptionalism
Obama and His DeathCare
Obamacare Hatchet Man
The Violent Left No One Speaks About
News from the Patriot Post