Here is a great post from the Patriot Post:
Government & Politics
What Country Is This Again?

American flags bad, Spanish NBA jerseys good?
It's no surprise that Arizona's recently passed immigration law continues to generate controversy. Immigration rallies took place across the country on May 1 -- or "May Day," the international communist holiday -- as thousands took to the streets in support of (illegal) immigration.
These "useful idiots" may think they're protesting against racism and bigotry, but with their Mexican, Cuban, Venezuelan flags; with their placard pictures of hammers, sickles, swastikas and KKK symbols; and with their violence against people and property, what they're actually demonstrating against is the Rule of Law.
The debate hit public schools on Cinco de Mayo as five students at one California high school were forced to leave campus for wearing -- we kid you not -- clothing with American flag designs. One of the students said administrators told them that they "could wear it on any other day, but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it's supposed to be their holiday, so we were not allowed to wear it today." One of the five is Hispanic. Last we checked, California is still part of the United States. (It bears mentioning that Cinco de Mayo is a holiday not celebrated much in Mexico. It was made popular by beer companies in the U.S.)
The debate also spilled from the political arena into the sports arena. While American flag clothing may be taboo in our schools, the Phoenix Suns, an NBA franchise, made a statement in Game 2 of their playoff series on Wednesday by donning jerseys that read "Los Suns" in support of Hispanic (illegal) immigrants and in opposition to the Arizona law. They wore the jerseys twice during the regular season. (Are there really that many Hispanics in the NBA?) Suns owner Robert Sarver says the law calls into question "our basic principles of equal rights and protection under the law." General Manager Steve Kerr said the team wasn't after "a huge political statement" but wanted to "celebrate the diversity that exists here in Arizona." On the other hand, he said the law conjures up "images of Nazi Germany."
The team could have at least made an effort to get the Spanish right. A literal translation would be "Los Soles." Furthermore, they might want to rethink the wisdom of alienating their fan base, given that 70 percent of Arizonans support the law.
Adding insult to injury, The Phoenix News Times reports, "The greatest example of government bailout excess may just be Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver, whose banks have taken $140 million in Troubled Asset Relief Program funds." Apparently, he still had money for the basketball team, though.
So what to do? The Washington Times suggests a solution:
"[W]hile millionaire athletes become walking billboards for a political cause, the state of Arizona might want to review the terms of its relationship with the Suns. If Mr. Sarver wants to use his team to push a political agenda, perhaps citizens can push back. Imagine Phoenix residents channeling the spirits of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. by turning up en masse to Suns games, sneaking in without tickets, demanding special services like free food and access to box seats, overtaxing arena security and ruining the game for the people with tickets. They can call it a celebration of diversity."
We might add that if you give birth at a game, you get lifetime season tickets for the anchor baby. Or maybe the Suns should stick to basketball. Just a thought.