I don't know about you but the world seems like it's going to hell in a hand basket. The situation in Greece is spilling out to the European Union and threatening the value of the Euro is just one domino in a long steam of them. Spain and Portugal are slipping along with others smaller countries. People are setting themselves on fire and protesters are protesting in Greece to keep all their government funded pensions and insurance, even with the government collapsing! If their government totally collapses they don't seem to understand they will get nothing! However, if they are willing to actually work more and get less benefits to help stabilize the government it would help. Now, I don't claim to be an expert about what is happening but I do see the start of similar things here. So while European Socialism is dying and taking others down with it, the Obama administration is trying to start it all over here. I'm sure they think they could do it better. Now we have a falsely funded health care system along with a bankrupt Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid accounts. And here is what you hear from some Americans, "Well at least I have free health care!" It's as if they have no idea where the money comes from to pay for it. I guess it's because they don't have jobs or don't pay federal taxes. In other words, they are part of the parasitical class and could care less that they are benefiting from the producers hard work. What happens when enough producers decide it's not worth it anymore? You guessed it, no more USA. It will then be the USocialistSA!
As Conservatives we must spread the word about how the government has strayed from the Constitution and its original intent. The Constitution was meant to keep the government from infringing on our Rights.
"In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
- Thomas Jefferson

Take some time to read some quotes from our Founding Fathers and you will understand quickly how invasive and unconstitutional our government is functioning! And that's the All Right Idea!