You hear how the TEA Party is full of hate filled racists, but you don't see the fruits of it. This is a tactic from the MSM to divert viewers from the real story covered in the Patriot Post. Here is a great article concerning this trickery.
Re: The Left
"There has been one high-profile violent incident perpetrated by a right-winger since Obama took office: the May 31, 2009 shooting of abortionist George Tiller. There have been a bevy of high-profile violent incidents by registered Democrats or liberals: the suicide airplane attack by Joseph Stack of Austin, Texas, against the IRS; the liberal who bit off the finger of an ObamaCare opponent in Thousand Oaks, Calif.; the murderous rampage by Obama-lover Amy Bishop at the University of Alabama; the beating of black man Kenneth Gladney by Service Employee International Union thugs in St. Louis; the Earth Liberation Front's destruction of KRKO-AM's radio towers in Seattle. None of these incidents by non-Muslim Americans were designed to create mass casualties among random Americans or members of the American military. All of the radical Muslim attacks were. Using rudimentary reasoning skills, it wouldn't take long to hit on the hypothesis that perhaps the Times Square attempted bombing was linked to a radical Muslim. But we live in a country where rudimentary reasoning skills have been banned if they offend politically correct sensibilities. So our politicians suggest that tea partiers were behind the attempted bombing (that suggestion, not coincidentally, fits with President Obama's attempts to label his domestic political opponents terrorists). They suggest that it could have been anybody -- anybody! -- behind the propane, gas and gunpowder. Meanwhile, they don't place radical Muslim terrorists on no-fly lists. Only when the proof is indisputable do they finally confirm what everybody with half a brain suspected all along -- and then they hope to get lucky." --columnist Ben ShapiroThanks Ben for a great article that speaks the Truth! And that's the All Right Idea!!!