It appears that the Republicans are going to stick to their guns. They are proposing a $60 billion dollar spending reduction. This is a great first step. This spending cut will halt federal funding for Planned Parenthood, chip away at the huge Obamacare Healthcare disaster, and could lead to a possible Government shutdown. I for one would be fine with the shutdown for a while. Heck, then they can't come up with more laws that infringe and takeaway our Rights!
While this Bill will certainly be shredded in the Senate, it is good to fire the first shot and let them know it is not business as usual. If I were them I would submit a Bill every day and make every Congressman vote up or down on Obamacare. Then in 2012 you will have a history of voting that no one can run from! Here are a few quotes from the article:
“We have a mandate from the American people to cut spending,” declared Representative Judy Biggert, Republican of Illinois. Immediately after the vote, the House speaker, John A. Boehner of Ohio, said in a statement, “This week, for the first time in many years, the People’s House was allowed to work its will — and the result was one of the largest spending cuts in American history.” Mr. Boehner added, “We will not stop here in our efforts to cut spending, not when we’re broke and Washington’s spending binge is making it harder to create jobs.”
Here are a few other articles concerning this Bill: - This will block funds for Net Neutrality. defunds the Healthcare Bill - Obamacare.
As an individual all I can do is vote every time I can and try to get the truth out to as many people as I can. When you come up against an Obama supporter, just ask simple questions (they don't understand complicated ones) about which policy they like and why they like it. Most of the time they can't give a decent answer. Keep fighting to stop the Government intrusion into our lives and let Freedom Ring!!!!! Now, that's the All Right Idea!!!