You might remember the huge snow storm from last month that blanketed a large part of the US. You may also remember that Al Gore blamed the storm on Global Warming! Yes, that's right, he blamed snow on Global Warming! Well, thanks to The Heartland Institute we now have information straight from the NOAA saying that there is NO proof to that claim! Shocking I know. Just imagine the money and time spent proving that to be incorrect! The Heartland Institute does a great job of shedding the light on the lies put forth by propagandists like Al Gore. God knows the MSM won't challenge his assertions.
Here are a few excerpts from the article:
NOAA Reports No Connection between Global Warming, Snowstorms
"Chalk up yet another global warming scare as nothing more than an urban legend. Yesterday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published a detailed analysis concluding it “not likely” there was any connection between the heavy mid-Atlantic snowstorms during early 2010 and global warming."
“Many extreme weather events are due to cyclical, large-scale anomalies in air pressure and sea surface temperature across large tracts of ocean,” NOAA reported. “Such fluctuations spawn weather systems that can cause droughts, floods, and massive snowstorms. While El Niño is the most famous, scientists have identified other climate anomalies throughout Earth’s climate system as well.”

Let's keep the pressure on our Politicians to question the fear mongers and fight to have the truth revealed! Now that's the All Right Idea!!!