If you thought that the 2012 Elections were going to be a slam dunk for Conservative's, think again. Do not underestimate the dedication to Socializing our Republic shown by the left. Obama is recruiting an army of workers to get his message out and to keep it out there. Never mind the truth, just keep his message out. And I am sure the MSM will comply like always. Here is a great article concerning this issue:
"The community organizer who became president has launched a massive pre-reelection year campaign to assemble and train an army of new community organizers to carry Obama's "movement forward for years to come."
Strengthening "our democracy" presumably has something to do with reelecting the revered leader in 2012.
However, the Organizing for America recruiting message says nothing about politics or election campaigns and strangely talks in military terms of "a grassroots program that aims to put boots on the ground and help foster a new generation of leaders -- not just to help win elections but to strengthen our democracy in communities across the country."

It is sad when the administration continues to call America a Democracy. We are a Republic! They do it on purpose because they want a majority of American's to think that the majority should rule. Unfortunately, most people don't spend time informing themselves on the issues and go by the soundbites and commercials or God forbid the color of ones skin! Let's vote on issues and turn the Country back towards the Republic on which it was found!