All Right Idea [Search results for Obamacare]
Obamacare has UNLIMITED Slush Fund for Obama
News from the Patriot Post
It's a New Day! Thank God!
More Tea Party Republican's Needed in Senate
Spending the US Down the Drain
Republican's Fighting to Cut Spending!
Obamacare Hatchet Man
Horrible Obamacare has 1000+ Waivers!
Obamacare = Rationed Care
Shameless Congress - They Have No Conscience
"I need a little help here!" - The Economy
Obamacare revival!
Obama and His DeathCare
Can we get more like Paul Ryan?
Is Health Care Constitutional? It doesn't matter
Let's Start Over, and Kick Everyone out of DC!
Is the American Dream Just a Dream?
Obamacare will "Control the People"
Obamacare = Socialized Health Care
Democrats a Little Two-Faced! Surprised?
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have a lovely weekend!
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- > Obama Spends and Now Concerned about Deficit
- > Obama Wants to Raise Taxes!
- > Climate Change Hypothesis Still Has Holes
- > Department of Labor Faking Jobs Increase!
- > The Government at Work Wasting Money!
- > Wind Energy is a Lot of Hot Air!
- > Poor Obama... No Anonymity
- > Slaughter Women? Really
- > Gas Nears Record High! Thanks, Mr. Obama
- > One Step Up, Two Steps Down!