After the election of Scott Brown in MA many had hoped that Obamacare was done. Ohh, we couldn't be that lucky. It is back and more left than ever! With the last attempt being stopped in the Senate, Obama is staying in charge of this one and not trusting Pelosi and Reid, who did all the negotiations behind closed doors, to screw it up again.
That means it is all his and he is determined to get it through. He has even threatened to ram it through via Reconciliation! If this is done it is a huge thumb in the eye of the American people. It means they know best and will force their will on all of us to get what they want done!
Read up and research all the info and ask yourself, "Do I trust the government or do I trust my own judgment?" Stand up for what you believe is right.
Remember what Thomas Jefferson said. "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Now that's the All Right Idea!