Seriously, do you want the Government deciding if you need a medical procedure? I know I don't. I speak from first hand experience. I have a messed up right shoulder that is painful and limited in what it will do. My Doctor told me that if I moderated my activity and changed my lifestyle I could live with it as is. In other words, it's optional. However, if I want to throw a baseball to my kids or just pick them up, it's not optional. But what would the Government say it is? Would they just say "Give him some pills for the pain" and move on?
Is our Healthcare system perfect? No. Will it get better if the Government gets involved? No. Call your Representative and tell them to say "No" to government healthcare! And how is this for a novel idea, get Governemnt out of the way and let the free market do its thing! Now that's the All Right Idea!