Have you noticed the "Mainstream" media has refused to cover the story of Climategate? In America it is politically correct to play along with the lie. Mainly due to how embarrassing it would be for all the politicians who have been crying out for new environmental regulations to save the planet. Of course that would mean higher taxes for all of us via Cap and Trade. And of course they would have to admit they were duped into believing what Al Gore was shoveling.
The weird thing is that the media in London and around the world has been all over this scandal like white on rice! Well, everyone except the BBC. Why would the BBC not be interested in this HUGE story? Maybe because they have a ton of money invested in the new "Green" technology. However, several other London papers are covering it.
I will say that there are a few brave politicians who have spoken against it. For instance Representative Don Young from Alaska said in an interview that "Global Warming is a Scam!" Here is the video of that interview.
Another has been Jim Inhofe from Oklahoma. Here is what he had to say:
As I said on the Senate floor on July 28, 2003, "much of the debate over global warming is predicated on fear, rather than science." I called the threat of catastrophic global warming the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people,"
He could not be more right. How long will we stand for the propagandists to lie and distort the truth? It is a calculated attack on the American citizen by the collusion of the media and the Democrat party. They are not interested in the truth. They are only interested in what perpetuates their agenda. The press stands by the "Freedom of the Press" Amendment all day long and use it to do whatever they want. Let's demand that they actually report the news and stop creating it! Now that's the All Right Idea.