All Right Idea

Is Health Care Constitutional? It doesn't matter

Since the inception of Obamacare the argument has revolved around how best to implement it. The Democrats and the Administration have controlled the talking points with the help of their propaganda wing, the MSM. Here is how it goes, there are 47 million uninsured Americans! The truth is there is only about 8 million Americans that don't have health care that want it. The rest are illegal aliens, young Americans that don't want it and can afford it and another group of Americans that have chosen to pass on it due to their age or lifestyle. This whole "debate", and I use this term loosely, has been based on emotion. When Democrats argue for health care they always talk about some person that didn't have insurance and died or a child needed a procedure and they didn't have health care or better yet an elderly lady had to use her dead sister's dentures (which dental is not even covered in the bill). While all of this may be true, it is no reason to walk all over the Constitution.

As believers in the Constitution we must overcome their emotion with facts and logic. The fact that the Constitution does not allow for this to happen must be our focus. We must get as many Democrats to recognize that they know it doesn't and they don't care. Case in point here is U.S. Rep. Phil Hare:

If we can get most American's to realize that their country is being taken over by a Socialist agenda they might move further right. The health care issue has been and always will be about government control over its citizens. As we argue and debate the health care issue we must maintain an attitude of "Repeal the Bill" due to it being unconstitutional. And that's the All Right Idea!