All Right Idea

Obama Spends and Now Concerned about Deficit

Here is the typical Politician currently residing in the White House. Mr. Obama has double the deficit over the last three year and now, that the American People are concerned over the growing deficit, he is too!

Big-Spending Obama Suddenly Concerned About Deficits

Submitted by Tierra.Warren on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 10:35
Given the critical success of The King’s Speech you know Hollywood producers are searching President Obama’s past for some speech impediment. You’d not only get one movie, you’d get a series that would make the James Bond franchise look like the model of brevity. If there is a problem you can’t count on Obama to act, but you can take it to the bank that he’s gonna give a speech.
And so it goes with the deficit. On the past week’s Sunday shows, White House adviser David Plouffe announced that President Obama would be making a speech in the near future about deficit reduction and laying out the groundwork for Medicaid and Medicare reform. Someone should tell him he’s a little late to the party on these issues, the GOP has been talking about them for more than a year now, and won back the House based on a promise to reduce spending.
Nevermind any of that, when Obama talks people listen. But Obama’s team appears to be relying on more than just that fact, they’re also hoping you’ve developed a selective memory. That you’ll forget everything he’s done in the past and focus solely on what he’s saying now.
This, of course, requires a lot of forgetting. Forget that he just sent in a $3.7 trillion budget proposal with the highest annual deficit in the nation’s history. Forget that we’ve set record deficits in each year of his presidency. Forget that rather than reform entitlements, he created an entirely new one with Obamacare. Forget that his reckless spending is one of the main reasons he’s now having to give a speech about the need for fiscal responsibility.
So why the sudden about face? Because this man is not change, he’s the consummate politician, consumed not with the idea of bringing a breath to fresh air to Washington, but with ensuring that his brand of stale politician stays around for four more years.
He’s a used car salesman to the core. After all, he’s spent the past four weeks attempting to lead his party’s charge against the modest budget cuts proposed in the Republican’s continuing resolution. Now, after narrowly averting a government shutdown by unwillingly giving in to Republican cuts, Obama turned right around and attempted to sell it as his own! This guy has no shame.
In his weekly radio address, Obama sold the compromise as “an agreement to invest in our country’s future while making the largest annual spending cut in our history.” He also argued that “beginning to live within our means is the only way to protect the investments that will help America compete for new jobs.”
Who is this guy? It certainly doesn’t sound like the same man who has racked up more debt than any President in history. Oh that’s right! It sounds like a guy who is up for reelection in less than two years and is running scared at the thought of running on his record.
We could criticize him for this very clear attempt to play to voter’s concern, nay, fear over our looming debt crisis. You simply don’t spend the way he has over the past three years if you are truly concerned about the impact the growing debt will have on future generations. He simply senses a political opportunity and is ready to exploit it to its fullest. We could nail him for it, but fortunately our job has already been done for us.
Liberals have picked up on Obama’s change in tone and are wondering where oh where their fearless leader went. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman asks, “What happened to the inspirational figure his supporters thought they elected? Who is this bland, timid guy who doesn’t seem to stand for anything in particular?” The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent wonders, “How much are Dems going to be asked to trade away in core liberal priorities in the execution of [Obama’s political] strategy.” And The New Republic’s Jonathan Chait questions, “Why didn’t President Obama at least fight the Republicans to a draw? Why, if he had to move in their direction, did he wind up adopting deeper cuts than even John Boehner originally proposed?”
The answer is: Obama senses that he’s been too liberal for the past two years and now must course correct. It’s probably the smart political thing to do given voters obvious concern with his lurch to the left. It’s definitely the economically correct thing to do given our looming debt crisis. So despite his questionable motives, and all-too-obvious switcheroo, we’re still happy to have him engage in the deficit conversation.

President Obama is a hard core Chicago politician with one goal in mind, acquire more power for himself and those that are in his class. The Democrats want and would love for America to become a Socialist state with the elimination of the middle class thus leaving the people with power and wealth now, to be the ones with it in the future. This goes against the very Foundation of the American story and why so many people from all over the globe come here, to better their circumstances! Let's fight to keep America great! Now that's the All Right Idea!