All Right Idea

Obama Wants to Raise Taxes!

If you thought that taxes were high enough, think again. President Obama wants to go with the old Democratic playbook and try to further divide America with the "Tax the rich" theme. This is a very old strategy that they have used forever. Now that we have over half of the citizens not paying taxes, they want the "Producers" to pay more. I believe he intends to take away every incentive to try to better yourself. We already have a "Leech" class that do nothing to better our society and Mr. Obama wants them to get more. Maybe you have heard him say something to the affect of "Spread the Wealth"? Can anyone say Socialism? If you say it is not, then you need to really take a look at history and take a lesson. Here is the article -

Obama prepares to revive tax cut debate -- for now and 2012

As he puts together his Wednesday speech on the federal debt, President Obama is poised to revive the great tax cut debate of late 2010 -- and launch what is likely to be a major campaign issue of 2012.
Namely, tax rates for wealthier Americans.
Late last year, Obama and congressional Republicans looked at the expiration of the tax cuts signed into law by President George W. Bush.
Obama wanted to extend those tax cuts for the middle class, but not for the wealthy -- defined as individuals who make more than $200,000 a year and couples who make more than $250,000.
Republicans objected, saying no one's taxes should be raised during hard economic times.
As both sides stared at the expiration of all the Bush tax cuts -- and de facto tax hikes for all Americans -- they agreed to a temporary, two-year extension of those tax rates instead.


Obama said he would raise the issue again the next time the Bush tax cuts expire - which happens to be 2012, a re-election year.That effort begins early, with Wednesday's speech.
In his string of Sunday show appearances, senior White House adviser David Plouffe said Americans won't go for budget plans that place burdens on the middle class while asking nothing of people who make more than $200,000 a year.
"The president's belief is this has to be a balanced approach," Plouffe said on Fox News Sunday. "And if we do that, we can get deficit reduction in the country."
Republicans cast Obama as all-too-eager to raise taxes.
"They're insisting that we have to (look) at raising taxes again, all while holding up the tax agreement that was signed in December," said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., also on Fox. "So, on one hand, we're going to defend that tax agreement but then go ahead and violate it."

Remember when the tax level was $250k during the 2008 campaign and ended up around $125k by the end? Keep that in mind when you here these numbers. It will not stop until the government is in charge of most of the company's and then we will be full out Socialist. Then the elite will stay that way and the rest of us will be a varying level of poor. We must revive the Constitution and hold these Socialist minded Politicians, on both sides, accountable and fight to reduce the size and scope of the Government! Now that's the All Right Idea!