All Right Idea

MSNBC Hits a New Low!

You have to see the Democrat candidate answer some tough questions from the hard hitting MSNBC "journalist". This candidate is about the dumbest person I have seen try to answer questions.

First of all, didn't the same MSNBC make fun of Sarah Palin for her answers and basically because she is from Alaska and is an outdoors-man hick? If any Republican answered this way the media would make fun of them for months, if not years. Take a look at how they make fun of President Bush! Even though he graduated Harvard with a higher GPA than John Kerry. If anyone has ever wondered if MSNBC is the propaganda mouth piece for the Democrat party let this interview settle all curiosity's! Many people want them to go away and get off the air. I for one would love to keep them around just to supply blogs like mine with plenty of material! Now, that's the All Right Idea!