All Right Idea

Quick Hits from The Heritage Foundation


According to Gallup, 63% of Americans believe their taxes will increase in the next 12 months.

According to the 91-page criminal complaint against him, while trying to sell President Barack Obama's former Senate seat, former Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D-IL) said, "I’d like a four-year contract for a million a year or somethin’. Or 750 or whatever. It’d have to be good. Obama’s got excess money; he just gives them more money."

Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd threatened Wednesday to end negotiations with Republicans on a financial regulatory reform bill if they continue to call his bill a permanent Wall Street bailout.
A new Manhattan Institute study found that all 59 teacher pension funds in the United States are underfunded by a total of $332 billion.

Despite its $50 billion price tag, the Obama administration's Home Affordable Modification Program has only benefited 230,000 households out of 2.8 million that have received a foreclosure notice and the number of homeowners who defaulted on their mortgages even after benefiting from the program nearly doubled in March.