Here is an article from Reuters concerning the unveiling of the Cap and Trade laws. If this is passed you can kiss this country good bye! Here is an excerpt from the article -
Backers of the environmental bill hope the unveiling will pave the way for the full Senate to debate and pass a measure in June or July if the compromise attracts enough support from a group of moderate Republicans and Democrats. Republican Senator Judd Gregg told Reuters he was "committed to getting something that addresses our energy needs in a constructive and comprehensive way." He added he did not know yet whether he would support the bill being developed.
This Congress is so proud of themselves. They pass a health care bill that is a "bad bill". Now they want to pass a Cap and Trade bill to address our energy situations. However the only issue is that the solutions they have will not fix our problems. Please call your Representatives to say "No" to any Cap and Trade bill! And that is the All Right Idea!!