I posted the comment / video from Rep. Dingell about how the Health Care Law will "Control The People". While this is scary enough on its own, it seems that the Communists agree. And I'm sorry, but if what you do have Communists and Socialists agreeing with you, shouldn't you wonder if what you did was the right thing? But here I go again thinking the Democrats are freedom loving Americans, when I know they are closet dictators dreaming of having all the power to control the people and rule by their all mighty hand!
I found a great article over at Conservative Firestorm that talks about this very subject. Here is an excerpt and the link for the entire article:
"the enactment into law by the US Congress of his mammoth health care plan innocuously named H.R. 3200-Americas Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 and described by one Kremlin legal expert as having “nothing at all to do with health, but everything to do with control.”
As you know Obama desired to "Fundamentally Transform" America. The idiots that voted for him thought he meant to transform it to something that helped them get more hand-outs w/o really understanding what it meant. What it means is that he wants to "Transform" it to a Socialists state. A Socialists state is the "bridge" between Capitalism and Communism. He wants and deisres America to be a Communist Utopia under his watchful gaze. I believe he has no intention of leaving office and if he somehow does get re-elected he will push for a more socialists agenda and try to change the term limit for President. Why do I think this, mainly because he is hungery for power and has an agenda that is by far the most Socialistic in our history. He will not want to leave until it is completely and irreversably complete.

Maybe I'm a little crazy but I can not find any reason to trust him or the Democrats. As Conservatives our first plan of attack must be this Novembers elections. We must turn the tide of socialism and reverse course back to a Constitutional Republic that supports a free market and capitalism. Make your vote count this November and between now and then let's convert as many voters as we can! And that's the All Right Idea!