Here is a great article from Another Black Conservative:
Here is an excerpt from the article:
First we have Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Missouri) claiming a Tea Party protester spat upon him. Cleaver said he would not press charges. But how does someone press charges when Capitol Police say no one was arrested?
Then we have George Lewis (D-Georgia) claiming that Tea Party protesters were dropping the N-Bomb big time on him and several other CBC members.
From McClatchy News:
The protesters also shouted obscenities at other members of the Congressional Black Caucus , lawmakers said.
“They were shouting, sort of harassing,” Lewis said. “But, it’s okay, I’ve faced this before. It reminded me of the 60s. It was a lot of downright hate and anger and people being downright mean.”
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver , D- Mo. , said he was a few yards behind Lewis and distinctly heard “nigger.”
“It was a chorus,” Cleaver said. “In a way, I feel sorry for those people who are doing this nasty stuff – they’re being whipped up. I decided I wouldn’t be angry with any of them.”
However there are these short video clips showing the CBC members as they walked past the protesters with no racial slurs to be heard. Instead we hear "boos" and "kill the bill".
Thanks again to Another Black Conservative for speaking out about these false charges.