Now that the Health Care Bill is passed Democrats are focusing on the Cap and Trade bill. The Dems believe this is a "winning" issue for them! What a laugher! Here is a quote:
"Climate legislation is the single best opportunity we have to create jobs, reduce pollution and stop sending billions overseas for foreign oil from countries that would do us harm," Kerry said.
"If we sell those arguments we've got a winning issue on jobs, on security and on public health. This can happen."
Maybe they haven't heard, but Climategate is destroying any credibility they have on this issue. And less than half of the American people could care less about this subject. They know it is overblown. But what do the Democrats care about what the American people want?
Don't worry, I am sure Al Gore will make a few appearances to GW/CC believers! And, no, he won't debate anyone about the science, or lack thereof.

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