Mr. Obama will not let this fail. He will make this happen no matter what! His arrogance and determination to socialize our health care system will not stop. Here are a few things that has happened in the last few days:
He appointed a Judge who just happens to be a Brother of an "Undecided" Congressman. Coincidence? Robert Gibbs thinks not. He said this to get it passed - "Whatever it takes to get health care done," said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs.

Obama said in remarks at the White House backing a muscle tactic known as "reconciliation" as a way of overcoming rock-solid Republican opposition. However in a previous interview he had a different point of view when he said this: "Dems Should Not Pass Healthcare With a 50-Plus-1 Strategy".
This points out the radical agenda he Mr. Obama has and that he will not stop until he gets it accomplished. I believe he is doing it to his and his party's detriment. And as far as I am concerned, the Dems can fail in November which will be a win for everyone! And that's the All Right Idea!