There are always unintended consequences to about any rule or regulation. Does anyone remember a saying about good intentions? Now we can see that the new regulations for Airlines will not help the consumer, they will in fact hurt them and drive them crazy! The regulation was meant to punish airlines that pushed off the gate "on time" and sit on the tarmac for hours and still be counted as "on time". There is a fine for this now, a steep fine. Of course this will fix everything. Now the Airlines are saying they will just start canceling flights instead of paying fines. I am sure this won't hurt any fliers across the country.

How about this, get the Government out of regulating EVERYTHING! The more they regulate the more it hurts the consumer! Hello Health Care? Hello Banking industry? Hello Insurance industry? Seriously, let's get the Government out of regulating the free market and let the market do the regulating! Now that's the All Right Idea!