Over the last few years there has been a HUGE push for "alternative" energy sources. Now, I am not against any of it. In fact I think we should always try to find better ways to do things. That is what drives the free market. However, when government gets involved it destroys the free market. Again let's look at California. Here is a quote from an article from the Heartland Institute:
"The myth that renewable energy is cost-competitive with conventional power sources is taking another hit, as Los Angeles has announced a 5 percent hike in electricity rates to subsidize uneconomical wind and solar projects."
Now LA has to increase electricity costs, by about 5%, to subsidize the "alternative" energy sources. And if you remember these energy sources were going to create jobs. But what will really happen is jobs will be lost now and for a long time to come.

"Does anyone, including even the most ardent renewable power apologists, actually believe that taking money out of productive sectors of the economy by substantially hiking electricity prices and giving the money to noncompetitive, inefficient industries is going to create “thousands of green-collar jobs” in Los Angeles? Does anyone believe it will create even one net job? Is there any chance that it will not destroy at least 1,000 jobs?"
It is time to wake up and tell government to stay out of the free market. If it would be left alone, alternative energy sources would come out of the woodwork. The sources would be more efficient, affordable and more attainable for every American. Why do I know this, because this is how the market works. You make a good product and people will buy it! If you don't, they won't! Right now government is not making a good product, (Or I should say forcing a bad product down our throats) which is why it is failing. The people do not want it. So get out of the way and watch the market work! Now that's the All Right Idea!