Do you remember the cries of "the Rain Forest will all die!" coming from the global warming / climate change crowd. Based on IPCC findings? Well, as it turns out the "findings" weren't based on real science. There was no peer-reviewed study of their findings, in fact all it was was a result of misquoting an advocacy paper published by two environmental activist groups. What a load of non-sense!
This whole GW / CC is such a load of nonsense. All it is is a politically motivated "crisis" to drive fear and raise taxes to pay for it. However, the only people to benefit from this are the Carbon Credit companies!

Take a look for yourself and use common sense to make your decision. But do me a favor and start from a position of "They have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth is warming." If you start there, and not allow fear to drive your decision, you will come out on the Right side! Now that's the All Right Idea!