If you thought they were done with Health Care, boy are you mistaken. The Democrats and Mr Obama think they have momentum and are going to push their agenda as fast and hard as they can for as long as they can. Or how long we will let them. They have socialized 1/6th of the economy already along with taking over mortgages and student loans. And don't forget about the takeover of 2/3rds of the auto industry even though a majority of American's want the government to get out of the auto industry. (Side note, if you are looking for a new car, look at Ford. They didn't take government money.) Now they are looking at taking over Energy through Cap and Trade laws based on lies and deception from the Global Warming / Climate Change alarmists. They are looking at taking over the Education system through "Fixes" to the No Child Left Behind. They are also looking at taking over the Financial system through new regulations. Where will they stop?
As a concerned American, I am looking for True patriots stand up. We must convince as many people as we can that the Obama administration is seeking to irreversibly "Transform" America into a Socialist state. Se here is what will happen:
1. Insurance companies will raise premiums due to having to cover procedures that were previously split charges.
2. Company after company will drop health care as a benefit due to the rising cost.
3. Obama will call these Insurance companies "Greedy" and say the only way to help all these people will be for the Government to step in and have a single payer system.
4. Companies will drop insurance and choose to pay the "fine" issued by the government. You see the "Fine" is about 7% of their income. And now the Companies pay about 15% towards insurance. What company wouldn't go for an instant 8% comp increase?
5. And in the end we will end up with EVERY American on the government health care system. Except the politicians of course.
6. And once Americans get a taste of "free" anything it is very hard for people to vote it away from themselves. Obama knows this and is counting on it. In fact he has already stated that.
America, it is time to make a choice. Do you want Freedom or tyranny? Do you want a free market or a government owned monopoly over every facet of your life. I for one know what I want. I choose Freedom, Capitalism and Liberty!