All Right Idea

More Global Warming / Climate Change News

Here is an article from the CATO Institute:

"Now that health care is done (for the time being), expect global warming to be high on the Obama administration's "to do" list. But cap-and-trade legislation and its alternative, a direct tax on carbon-based fuels, can't be passed via "reconciliation" and are far short of the needed 60 Senate votes.
As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is itching to step in and dictate how and how much we can drive, fly, consume, or make. This the agency made clear in its "endangerment finding," a necessary precursor to regulation, released last December.
Expect the administration to use 2010 global-temperature data as backup for the EPA's regulatory power grab. Global temperatures shot upward around the beginning of this year thanks to El Niño, a warming of the tropical Pacific that takes place every few years. The average global temperature has a reasonable chance of beating the last high, set back in 1998 (also an El Niño year)."

This is just another confirmation of the aggressive attack on our Liberty's from this administration. They have no concern to how much their desires go against the Constitution. They are in power and they intend to keep it. Remember Mr. Obama saying "I would rather be a really good one-term President than a bad two term one."?

If he is a good one-term president, why would he not be re-elected? The reason is the definition of "really good" to him. It is this, Transform America into a Socialist state and redistribute the wealth as much as possible while creating an atmosphere that will make it nearly irreversible. God help us! And that's the All Right Idea!