All Right Idea

Obama's Private Army Funded in the Health Bill

Maybe you remember Mr. Obama calling for a "National Security Force"?

Take a look at this article I found @ Prison Planet. Here is a taste and then the link to the article:

Obama just got his private army…
…And no one seems to have noticed. It is buried in the Senate revisions to the health care bill.
Subtitle C–Increasing the Supply of the Health Care Workforce
Sec. 5201. Federally supported student loan funds.
Sec. 5202. Nursing student loan program.
Sec. 5203. Health care workforce loan repayment programs.
Sec. 5204. Public health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5205. Allied health workforce recruitment and retention programs.
Sec. 5206. Grants for State and local programs.
Sec. 5207. Funding for National Health Service Corps.
Sec. 5208. Nurse-managed health clinics.
Sec. 5209. Elimination of cap on commissioned corps.
Sec. 5210. Establishing a Ready Reserve Corps.
Subtitle D–Enhancing Health Care Workforce Education and Training

Here is the link for the rest of the article:

This is proving the fact that it isn't about health care, it's about "Control of the People"! Right Dingell?