All Right Idea [February 2010]
Follow the Money!
He's Alive!
Cybersecurity form Obama, Oh goody!
Another Global Warming Mis-Truth
Unemployment Visual Shocker
Revolutionary War + Constitution = Free Dentures
Battling Climate Change has Unintended Consequences!
An Honest IPCC Scientist Challenges IPCC Findings!
Global Warming Out in UK!
Health Summit - What a Prop!
Jobless Claims Rise Despite Stimulas'
Representative Charlie Rangel (Democrat) Found Guilty
New Crescent Logo for Missle Defense from the President of Change
Tea Party Strikes Back!
Reagan on Socialized Health Care (Obamacare)
Democrats a Little Two-Faced! Surprised?
Inhofe Continues Assault on Climategate!
Obamacare revival!
Healthcare = Health NO!
The Coverage of Climategate in US and Abroad is Radically Different!
Obama Caught in Acorn Lie!
The Sea Levels are Rising! Maybe not!
A Quick Thought on Illegal Immigration
Global Warming is a Scam!
Health Care - Round 2! Ding!
Media Bias Shows Through
Grade Mr. Obama's 1st year in office!
The Belief of Man-Made Global Warming is Cooling Down
Bye, Bye Bayh!
VP Biden is at it again!
Could Al Gore be wrong? Is the Pope Catholic?
Scientists say "Earth may not be warming."
Snow = Global Warming & No Snow = Global Warming! Huh?
How Stupid Do They Think We Are?
Global Warming Fear Mongering = Big Money!
The "Green Police?!"
Five Global Warming facts
Climategate continues to damage Global Warming "science"
The Lies continue concerning Global Warming!
Even Canadians come to USA for Health Care