All Right Idea

Could Al Gore be wrong? Is the Pope Catholic?

Al Gore, where are you? Remember back in March of 2007 when you told the Congress that the "Earth has a fever"? If it had a fever then what did it have in Medieval times? I am sure you will make the rounds on all the cable news shows discussing how all of this new information, although backed up by true data and research, with excellent record keeping, is incorrect and actually proves the Earth is about to die! And we all must buy some Carbon Off-Set Credits, from the company you heavily invested in, to stop Global Warming.

This has truly been the largest ponzi scheme perpetuated to the World's public, EVER! The whole scheme was to fool the public into believing that their lifestyle was destroying the planet. Then they would be open to giving up more of their freedoms, and money, to "Save the Planet!" Of course this "Saving the Planet" initiative would be facilitated by our loving and caring Governments around the world. It was perfect. Who would be against saving the planet? No one would. The only problem is that some people didn't believe what these politicians and scientists were saying. Their "Liberty Alert" was going off! They knew it was a load of horse manure. After years of being outcast by their peers, called names by World leaders and demonized by the media they now have their retribution!

Man-Made Global Warming is a lie perpetuated by politically motivated politicians, money seeking scientists and power hungry World Leaders! Find out all you can about this farce, and contact your State Representatives and tell them to say NO to ANY Cap and Trade policies. Now that is the Right idea!