All Right Idea

VP Biden is at it again!

This is awesome! Again, Politicians think we have no memory or access to the internet! VP Joe Biden stated in 2002 that "We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world." He was speaking about Saddam Hussein.

Now he says that the Iraq War "hasn't been worth its terrible price." Of course this is following a statement from last week where he said that Iraq was one of the Administrations greatest achievements! From what I have seen he has just continued doing what Bush started. The surge was started under Bush and the war was making improvements while casualties were down. Then Mr. Obama was forced to pay attention to Afghanistan. He wanted to live up to his promises to the anti-war left that he would bring the troops home. However, a little thing called reality snuck in there and halted those plans. Afghanistan became a larger focus and the Generals started asking for more troops. It took Mr Obama months to decide. In the meantime our troops were sorely undermanned fighting a war they knew the President and the Congress wish would just go away. Finally after months of "thinking really hard" about increasing the troop level, he decided to go ahead and give most of what was asked for. Kinda like what Bush did in Iraq! He authorized a "surge"!

Has Mr. Obama done anything unique or different from President Bush concerning the war in Iraq or Afghanistan? All I have seen from the candidate of Change is the same thing! How about this, just come out and say that the previous administration had a good plan and we are going to continue that same plan! Now that's the All Right Idea!