All Right Idea

Bye, Bye Bayh!

Senator Evan Bayh has announced his retirement today. After a long tenure in the US Senate he has stated that "After all these years, my passion for service to my fellow citizens is undiminished, but my desire to do so by serving in Congress has waned,".

What a shocker! Senator Evan Bayh has always tried to remain in the middle as one of the "Blue Dog" Democrats in a state that usually goes Republican in presidential elections. This opens the Senate seat for the return of Republican Dan Coats, who announced his campaign last week. Coats was primed to run against Byah in what many thought would be a very tight race. Now it seems that the Republican's have the upper hand. But never underetimate their ability to snag defeat from the jaws of victory!

Stay tuned for more information concerning Evan Bayh, health care and Climate change news. Now that's the All Right Idea!