All Right Idea

The Belief of Man-Made Global Warming is Cooling Down

The Skeptics of Global Warming are feeling pretty good right now. After several IPCC failures and out and out lies, the truth is coming out! After the Copenhagen debacle a top UN IPCC official is resigning. Maybe he hears the walls crashing down around this fanatical, near religious belief.

In the US the state of Texas is challenging the authority of the EPA to dictate environmental regulations. With the Cap and Trade bill seemingly dead in Congress, the Obama administration is seeking to advance its agenda through Executive Order and through the EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. All of this would be done around congress with NO accountability from the citizens. In fact here is one way they intend to reduce greenhouse gases - "In December, the Environmental Protection Agency ruled that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide endanger human health, opening the door for the agency to issue mandatory regulations to reduce them."

This type of dictatorial mandate is against the very foundation that America was founded on. Remember "No taxation without representation!". This type of Government is what we fought the Revolutionary War over. If Mr. Obama thinks that there will be no price to pay for such actions, let's show him in November exactly what the price will be! Now that's the All Right Idea!