All Right Idea

Health Care - Round 2! Ding!

It begins again! The administration will not let this die. Mr. Obama's presidency is based on this single topic. Will he be able to force through a government take over of health care? With the election of Scott Brown in MA, (how ironic is this, Ted Kennedy dies, who was the health care "lion", the democrats force the state legislature to change the law to allow for a special election. The special election is held and they lose! Giving a Republican a victory in MA! Then this Republican votes against the health care bill, in a sense, killing it!) health care seemed stalled out for good. But just like the "evil" zombies in horrible B movies, they never are really dead until you cut the head off. (Not literally of course) Mr. Obama has now asked for the Republicans to come to the table with their ideas. How generous. Of course they are scheduled to meet on Thursday of this week about three days after he introduces a new health care bill on Monday! WTH! Now the administration is saying it will even be televised! Oh the transparency!

This administration has no conscience at all. They will do what they want and take out anyone who stands against them. They will even sacrifice the careers of other Democrats to make this happen. But what else would you expect from a community organizer and his minions from Chicago?

Republican's, now is not the time to get along and compromise! The American people DO NOT want a health care bill! Of any kind! Stand on your conservative roots and push back the ever encroaching, liberty stealing federal leviathan known as the federal government! Stop the growth of the government and start the process of dismantling it! Now that's the All Right Idea!