All Right Idea

Media Bias Shows Through

Have you ever noticed when there is a shooting or any type of violence the perpetrator is almost always deemed a "right-wing" nut job or a "Tea party" fanatic? Why does the media show its bias so frequently? Maybe because most people will never notice, or is it because no one will ever call them on the carpet? As American's we should demand a free press that is unbiased and reports the news, not create the news.

Let's take the most recent events of two serious incidents and how the media reported on it. The plane crash in Texas was the result of a very upset, crazed individual who left an online manifesto in which he ranted against the IRS, the Catholic Church, tax loopholes, bailouts and his own sorry state of affairs. However, this is not where the media stopped. They had to connect him to the Tea Party movement because they hate the Tea Party movement and everything it stands for. This is common practice if you pay attention to the media and how they cover tragedy's.

Now, let's look at how the shooting in Alabama was reported. Again this is the action of a very sick individual that decided to act in a violent way. Have you heard the mainstream media talk about the only people she shot were people of color? I haven't heard anyone talk about this as a "Hate" crime. Why haven't they? Maybe because she has left-wing ideology? And maybe because she is part of academia? Read this article from the Boston Herald. They place the connection she had w/ Mr. Obama near the end of the article. If that would have been about President Bush it would have been the headline and the media would still be talking about it.

This is another example of media bias that shows their true agenda. Do what I do and just watch Fox News or get your news from several sources. Now that's the All Right Idea!