If you are a Conservative, you probably have heard of and listen to Rush Limbaugh. I started listening to him 17 years ago. He has a saying that he has stated throughout his career when it comes to politics. That saying is "Follow the Money". And he couldn't be more Right! Here is a few examples of the Global Warming "Follow the Money" theme.
"Al Gore could be the first Carbon Billionaire!" But I am sure he is only looking out for the best interest of the public and Mother Earth. Yea Right!

"BBC Pension Funds Linked to Climate Policy." Again, I am sure they are only looking out for you! I mean, their an unbiased news source that only reports the news and not what they want you to know.
"Rep. Kaptur gets $3.5 billion sweetener in climate bill."

I agree with Rush. When it comes to new legislation that will "Save" something or "Help" something, just follow the money. It will lead you to the truth. And that's the All Right Idea!