With good intentions the concerned citizens of the world rally to protect "Mother Earth" from the evil humans polluting her. They push hard for environmental changes and more strict laws that constrict human liberty's. As you know, the road to hell is paved w/ good intentions! These unintended consequences, however are hurting real people. With several Nations and American Farmers switching to growing corn for Ethanol production to receive government money there has been a shortage of grains around the world. In Haiti the populace has been reduced to eating mud pies! And this was back in 2008!

If you think about it, a little warmer climate wouldn't be all bad. Wouldn't it lengthen growing periods further north? Wouldn't that help produce more food for the entire planet? And the fact of the matter is that the Earth goes through warming and cooling periods all the time! And the single largest contributor to the temperature changing on Earth is the Sun! Go figure!

Of course the global warming scam is not about saving the earth. It is about money and power! Find out for yourself and spread the truth! Now that's the All Right Idea!