All Right Idea

How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

Mr Obama must believe that no one has a memory or the ability to record what he says. Just like many other Politicians, they say one thing to one group of people and another to different people. Often in the same day or week. Do you remember when Mr. Obama said that "Banking Bonuses were an outrage"? He said this last March. He has also stated that "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street."

Now he has changed his tune. Not even a year after his original statements! Now he supports these big bonuses for businessmen he knows. Is it that they are friends of his? He says he knows these guys and they are savvy businessmen! This is crazy! Even the Liberal media is freaking out about his 180! Take a look at what the New York Times had to say about it. Click here. And The Huffington Post, could you get more Liberal, says "Obama still doesn't get it!" This is getting too good!

I think that if we, the average American people, would remember these Flip-Flops and hold them responsible to not only what they say, but how they vote, we would have a whole different group of representatives who would say what they believe instead of what they think we want to hear. Let's commit to remember, pay attention and hold them accountable! Now that's the All Right Idea!