In 2002 Senator Byrd said that "No snow" proved that there was Global Warming happening! Now they say that the HUGE amount of snow means Global Warming! They speak as if no one pays any attention to what they say now or then. I for one will pay attention and talk about it.
Here's the deal. There is Global Warming AND there is Global Cooling. It all happens naturally due to Solar Cycles and other atmospheric conditions. It is NOT Man Made! The only reason they want to convince everyone that it is Man Made is so they can TAX the living heck out of us!
Let's keep a level head and pay attention. Let's also keep our friends and family's informed as to what the Politicians are doing. Because if we are not informed we can not make the Right decisions. And look what happens when we don't get informed!

Please, pay attention! Now that's the All Right Idea!!