All Right Idea

Global Warming Fear Mongering = Big Money!

Here we are again with another massive snow storm hitting Washington DC. No one can say that God does not have a sense of humor! The irony of the snow storm is that it has now canceled the administrations roll our of a new Climate Study Panel on Global Warming! I think Al Gore should come out of hiding and have a debate on the subject or admit he was wrong and has "Betrayed this Country! He has played on our fears!" Al Gore is one of the biggest scammers involved in the whole MMGW (Man Made Global Warming) issue. He has gone around the world speaking to millions of people filling them with false information. He has people scared that if they breath too much or have their lights on for too long they will damage the environment. He has actually pushed having his movie shown in public schools. And as you can imagine, some of the public schools gladly complied. This fear mongering actually has kids crying that their parents are killing the earth because they aren't driving a hybrid!

Al Gore has done all of this environmental evangelism because of his deep concern for the earth and the environment. And if you believe that I got plenty more for you! He has now become the first Carbon Billionaire! Here is how Washington works and how they watch out for their friends. First Al Gore invests $75 Million in a company involved in making "smart grid" technology. Then the Energy Department doles out $3.4 billion towards smart grid technology. Which $560 million went to this company! What a coincidence! Hence Al Gore recoups his investment many times over!

Throughout the whole "debate" of MMGW there have been "skeptics" that chose not to drink the cool-aid. One such Senator is James Inhofe (R-Okla.). In fact he has been so skeptical he has issued a challenge to all the Hollywood Eco-nuts and Al Gore to take a "Personal Energy Ethics Pledge". To this day no one has taken him up on it. All he asks is that they live by what they preach! He asks that they use the same amount of energy in their home that the average American uses. Al Gore uses 191,000kWh while the average American family uses 11,256kWh. When will Al Gore live by what he preaches? And let's think about it, can humans even impact the environment? Click here to see a video of a Meteorologists speaking about this.

How about this, let's let some real scientists look into the Climate and keep politicians out of it. The problem is that when politicians get involved the science is secondary to the needs of the politicians being re-elected. That's all they care about now and forever. Please keep the pressure on your Representatives to make smart, job-creating decisions and say 'No" to the Administration and the EPA (read this link)! Now that's the All Right Idea!