Take a look at this article about Global Warming. They just won't stop trying to make it out that it is happening when new evidence piles around them. Here is what James M. Taylor from the Heartland Institute has to say:
"The loss of ice shelves is evidence of the effects of global warming," USGS scientist and lead author Jane Ferrigno is quoted in USA Today.
While it is true that some ice shelves in Antarctica are fracturing and falling into the sea, such events are natural occurrences whether the ice sheet is expanding or contracting. And, as objective data report, Antarctic temperatures are cooling and the Antarctic ice sheet as a whole is expanding.
Satellite instruments measuring atmospheric temperatures between latitudes 60 degrees and 90 degrees south show temperatures have been steadily declining since the satellites were first launched in 1979. During the past 30 years, Antarctic temperatures have fallen by 0.3 degrees Celsius, the satellite instruments report.
Checkout this link to read the entire article. Now that's the All Right Idea!